Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR®)


P-DTR® is the most effective and up to date method of modern medicine available to clinicians and other health care specialists today. Its effect is immediate and long-lasting, contrary to any other therapy method that’s available today.

Upcoming courses:
Module 1: Novemebr 4-8, 2020
Module 2: February 24-28, 2021
Module 3: May 8-12. 2021
Module 1: October 16-20, 2020
Module 2: February 5-9, 2021
Module 3: May 7-11. 2021

Event Language Location Price  
Module 1
English (latvian)
Module 1
English (latvian)
SKU: N/A Category:


About P-DTR®:

P-DTR is a product of the original thought and investigations of orthopaedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar. This work recognises that proprioception (sensation of touch, pressure, hot, cold, pain, etc.), and the way the body processes the information from these receptors, is paramount in determining neuromuscular responses throughout the entire body. Motor function is not just determined by the motor system, but rather is modified by the inputs of these receptors. Using a comprehensive system of muscle testing and neural challenges, involved proprioceptors can be located and normal function can be quickly restored. Most therapeutic modalities deal with the “hardware” of the body, neglecting the fact that most of the pain and dysfunction we experience is actually a problem with our “software”. P-DTR is the most comprehensive and effective technique available to the modern day clinician, therapist or trainer. The work is rapid, incredibly effective and unlike any other technique that you will have experienced.

How does P-DTR work?

P-DTR deals with the various sensory receptors (proprioceptors) of the body and the way they affect and modify our movement patterns. These receptors (those for pain, stretch, pressure, hot, cold, vibration, etc.) all send information to the brain for processing and the brain takes this feedback into account when making decisions regarding our movement. If this information is incorrect, as is often the case, the brain is making its decisions based on bad information. Pain and dysfunction frequently result. P-DTR uses neural challenges specific to the involved receptors and muscle tests combined with proper stimulation of the deep tendon reflex to make immediate and lasting advances toward restored function.

Who are these courses for?

  • Physiotherapists;
  • Chiropractors;
  • Osteopaths;
  • Manual Therapists;
  • Medical Doctors.

Courses are divided into 3 levels:

  • Basic, comprised of 3 modules, 5 days each
  • Intermediate, comprised of 2 modules, 5 days each
  • Advanced, comprised of one, 5 day module
  • Upon the completion of all 3 levels, participants can further develop their knowledge by attending P-DTR Masterclass seminars

Basic course:
The foundations series provides a comprehensive curriculum designed to introduce students to functional neurology. This encapsulates full assessment of the body for any number of afferent dysfunctions and instruction on how to reset information from aberrant pathways. Students will gain a thorough understanding of how the body creates basic dysfunctions and compensatory patterns and most importantly, the systematic process that has been developed to treat these dysfunctions on a permanent basis. Students can expect to learn how to improve the raw material the brain receives to make more accurate decisions about how to move and feel. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, all manner of mechanoreceptors, nocioception, gait analysis, cranial sutures, and limbic disturbances.

The intermediate series builds on what students began delving into during the foundations series. Students can expect to learn much more about how the body structures larger patterns of dysfunctions and how each piece of the pattern can effect another. Tools will be provided to quickly determine the prevailing source of a dysfunction to greatly minimise any chance of reoccurrence. Students will learn the proper firing sequences for muscles used to accomplish given movements and how the body will respond if these sequences are disrupted. Advanced biomechanics are covered in depth for each major joint of the body including shoulder, hip, knee, foot and ankle, elbow, and spine.

The advanced series takes students on a thorough exploration of the physiology of numerous body systems. Assessment of viscera for localized and referred patterns is covered in great detail as well as an in depth exploration of iliocecal valve conditions. Issues with energy production are explored via functional takeaways from Krebs Cycle and Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism malfunctions. Symptoms, assessment, and treatment of cranial nerve dysfunctions are a major focus point of the advanced curriculum. Students will cover peripheral nerve entrapments and learn how to use the reappearance of primitive reflexes as a treatment tool. Other topics include baroreceptors, neurological teeth, alkalosis, and retrograde lymphatics.

Basic modules:

Module 1

Module 1 course syllabus

1) Test about MMT(muscles testing)
2) Principles of P-DTR
3) Muscle spindle cells dysfunction (nuclear bag fibre & nuclear chain fibres) neurology and specific stimulus
4) Autogenic inhibition (X and II lines)
5) Indicator muscles (IM)and muscles Associated with dysfunction (AM)
6) TL, UTL, search for aberrant receptors- Rules and modes
7) Rules of Receptors (primary /secondary / tertiary)
8) Classification of dysfunction, “Graphic-P-DTR” programme
9) Reactor vs Reactive dysfunction
10) Screening for optimal neurological organisation (switching/hypo/hypertonicity)
11) Introduction to nocioception, (fast and slow pain)
12) PMRF & NWR (Nociceptive Withdrawal Reflex) Patterns,
13) Nociceptors dysfunctions Neo spinothalamic & paleo spinothalamic
14) Other mechanoreceptors: Golgi tendon organ, Pacini Corpuscles,Deep pressure dysfunction, Vibrational dysfunction (ruffini meisner Krause Corpuscles)
15) Long kinematic chains (open & closed)
16) The Event
17) TS line
18) Introduction to Gait testing

Upcoming basic courses:

  • Module 1: Novemebr 4-8, 2020
  • Module 2: February 24-28, 2021
  • Module 3: May 8-12. 2021


  • Module 1: October 16-20, 2020
  • Module 2: February 5-9, 2021
  • Module 3: May 7-11. 2021

Course Fee:

Attending one module: 1000 EUR. Early bird until September  10th – 900 Eur!
Paying for all 3 modules in advance – 900 EUR! (Total of: 2700 EUR.) Early bird until September  10th – fee (total of) – 2500 EUR.

Module 2

Module 2 course syllabus

1) Test about Module 1
2) Cloacal synchronisation :Labyrthine reflex, Head on neck reflex, Visual righting reflex ,Anterior & posterior pelvic reflex
3) Cartilage rules
4) Pelvic Categories (1-3)
5) Sacral distortion
6) Neurogait- Gait inhibition
7) Palo- Alto
8) Ligaments of the foot/pelvis/lower limb/hip/spinal
9) PiLUS
10) Neurogait (rules of muscles,ligaments and joint capsules)
11) Temperature receptor dysfunction
12) Tickle and itch
13) Fine & crude touch
14) Joint position sense (conscious and unconscious)

Upcoming basic courses:

  • Module 1: Novemebr 4-8, 2020
  • Module 2: February 24-28, 2021
  • Module 3: May 8-12. 2021


  • Module 1: October 16-20, 2020
  • Module 2: February 5-9, 2021
  • Module 3: May 7-11. 2021

Course Fee:

Attending one module: 1000 EUR. Early bird until September  10th – 900 Eur!
Paying for all 3 modules in advance – 900 EUR! (Total of: 2700 EUR.) Early bird until September  10th – fee (total of) – 2500 EUR.

Module 3

Module 3 course syllabus

1) Test about Module 2
2) Interoreceptors introduction
3) Cranial faults
4) Sacral dysfunctions
5) TMJ and Teeth
6) Other ALS tracts
7) Adrenal dysfunction (gradual adaptive syndrome)
8) Emotional dysfunctions
9) Meridian dysfunctions
10) Surrogate testing
11) Multitasking
12) Introduction to concepts of neurological health
13) algorithm for working with the patient

Upcoming basic courses:

  • Module 1: November 4-8, 2020
  • Module 2: February 24-28, 2021
  • Module 3: May 8-12. 2021


  • Module 1: October 16-20, 2020
  • Module 2: February 5-9, 2021
  • Module 3: May 7-11. 2021

Course Fee:

Attending one module: 1000 EUR. Early bird until September  10th – 900 Eur!
Paying for all 3 modules in advance – 900 EUR! (Total of: 2700 EUR.) Early bird until September  10th – fee (total of) – 2500 EUR.

About  Jose Palomar:

Doctor Jose Palomar Lever is a native of Guadalajara, the capital city of the state of Jalisco in Mexico. He began his medical school education at the age of 17 at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG) and received his training in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the Universidad del Ejercito y Fuerza Aérea (UDEFA). He performed his first orthopedic surgery at the age of 24 and between 1984 and 1988 he was an orthopedic surgeon on the staff of the Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery Institute of Jalisco, S.S.A. He went on to receive specialized training in minimally invasive spine surgery at the Texas Back Institute in Dallas, Texas. Pursuing his interest in what he now refers to as the “software” of the human body, a study, which began in earnest for him in 2000, Dr. Palomar became a Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology from the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK). He received the organization’s Alan Beardall Memorial Award for Research for 2004-2005 and over the years has had eighteen papers accepted for inclusion in ICAK-USA Proceedings. He also completed the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies program in Clinical Neurology. Today, in addition to pursuing an ongoing research program, Dr. Palomar conducts regular trainings in Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) for medical practitioners in the United States, Russia, Mexico, Latvia and Ukraine, and continues to practice medicine from his home base in Guadalajara, Mexico.


Mikhail Alesejevich Zaborodin, MD
Traumatologist-orthopedist, Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, Medical lawyer, Judge, chairman of department of medical disputes “The southern regional arbitration”, The manager of travmatologo-orthopedic unit of MBUZ “A municipal hospital No. 1 of N.A. Semashko of Rostov-on-Don”.

1998 – 2004г. Rostov State Medical University, Pediatric faculty.
2004 – 2005г. Rostov State Medical University, internship on surgery, primary specialization in traumatology and orthopedics.
2006 – 2010г. Southern Federal University, Law Faculty.
2009 – 2011г. Rostov State Medical University, Residency programs on traumatology and orthopedics , department of traumatology and orthopedics, and sport medicine.
2012 – 2016г. Rostov State Medical University Postgraduate study on traumatology and orthopedics, department of traumatology and orthopedics, and sport medicine.
2016 – 2017г. Applied kinesiology Academy of professor Vasilyeva in Moscow.
2016г. Russian academy of medico-social aftertreatment in Moscow department of Manual therapy.
2016 -2017г. Clinical neurodynamics, myofascial technicians, joint technicians. (Aleks Sapir, Israel). Full course.
2016 -2018г. Institute of Functional Neurology named after Jose Palomar, Moscow. Method P-DTR®. Full course.

Publications and patents:
Patent for an invention “Way of differential diagnostics of stages osteoarthrosis of a knee joint » № 2014153253, 03.06.2016.
Patent for an invention “Way of forecasting of predisposition to development of a posttraumatic osteoarthrosis of a knee joint” №2014153254, 25.12.2014.
30 publications and articles.

Is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of injuries and diseases of a musculoskeletal system, peripheric nervous system, aftertreatment after injuries and operations. In treatment uses P-DTR technique (structural, biochemical, emotional and meridian ways of correction).

Nikolai Nikolajevich Strukov, MD
Neurologist, Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, Director of Functional Neurology Institute named afterJose Palomar.

2 higher medical educations:
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) named after N.I. Pirogov, 1993
Biochemical doctor, Medical & biological faculty. Specialization: Forensic Technician.
Muscular energy methods, 2008-2009, Advanced Training Faculty of RUDN University.
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) named after N.I. Pirogov, 2010
– Medical care, Medical & biological faculty. Specialization: Neurology, Doctor Improvement Faculty of RUDN University, 2011 Head of Department Fedin A.I.
Chiropractice, Doctor Improvement Faculty of RUDN University (Polyclinic No. 10), 2011, Head of Department Vasilieva L.F.

Postgraduate studies:
Kinesiology since 2010, complete course of Sports Medicine, AK Evening School (Advanced Training), AK Biochemistry School (Advanced Training).
International seminars: Leaf, Scheiffer, Sapir, Palomar.
P-DTR complete course in Jose Palomar‘s method (Mexico), 6 levels (2012-2014 Riga, Latvia). Practice and theory exams. Certified P-DTR Teacher, 2015. Management of Jose Palomar’s master-classes in Russia, 2014-2016.
Level 2 PNF, 2012, “Preodolenie” Center. International certificate.
Acupuncture since 2013 Prof. Zoia Goranova (Bulgaria), Level 2.

Treatment of a wide spectrum of neurological diseases. Diagnostics and treatment of locomotor diseases, post-traumatic and post-surgery rehabilitation. Specialization in stomatoneurology. In treatment of patients, I use the P-DTR method (structural, biochemical, meridian, and emotional correction techniques), proper algorithms for dentomaxillary system problems and mirror neuron work. My interests are mirror neuron functions, hierarchy of myotatic reflex regulation levels, activation of primitive reflexes and body behavior models, relation of dentomaxillary system and body plane movements, mechanisms of epicritical and protopathic pain formation, logopedic problems.

For more information: call us at: +370 618 67325 or write us at: [email protected]

For more information: call us at: +370 618 67325 or write us at: [email protected]